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Whether you want to enter the United Kingdom to work, to set up your own business, to seek political asylum, to take a university course or to settle with a partner, we offer a complete range of immigration services. We assist individuals and businesses from preparing visa applications to enter and/or remain in the UK, to providing representation at appeals before the immigration tribunals.

The Immigration Department is regularly instructed in the following:

  • Entry Clearance Applications including Marriage, Family Reunion and Dependant visa applications
  • European Community Association Agreement Applications (ECAA Ankara Agreements)
  • European Economic Area (EEA)/European Union (EU)/Swiss nationals Applications
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain Applications
  • Naturalisation & British Citizenship Applications
  • First Tier Tribunal & Upper Tribunals Appeals
  • Tier 1 Investor and Entrepreneur visas
  • Business Immigration
  • Student Visas
  • Deportation Matters
  • Administrative Review
  • Judicial Review
  • Human Rights Application