All aspects of family law are made easy at Morgan Has Solicitors with our friendly and proactive approach. We are committed to providing you with the best advice to assist you and where possible will endeavour to resolve disputes by negotiation, mediation and reconciliation. With a wide spectrum of clients Morgan Has Solicitors is experienced in handling disputes following the breakup of a family including the divorce procedure, financial settlement of matrimonial assets, and the arrangements that need to be made for the children. With a deep appreciation of the emotions involved we offer an empathetic and responsive approach to ensure the best outcome for you and your family’s future. With a collaborative approach with our litigation and property department we ensure that a pragmatic and cost effective solution is obtained for the client.
Our Family team is regularly involved in the following matters:
- Divorce, Dissolution and Separation
- Mediation
- Financial Settlement
- Children Issues
- Pre- and post-nuptial /civil partnership agreements
- Injunctions