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Privacy Policy

  1. 1. UK GDPR
    We have a legal obligation to inform you how we hold and use your personal data as we are defined as a data processer and a data controller. Under the Data Protection Legislation, our practice must always have a lawful basis for using or processing your personal data. Our Lawful basis for using your personal data is that you have enquired about our legal services, asked for a quote, or you have instructed us to act as your solicitors in order to carry out your client instructions, the specific details of which are communicated to you in writing and stored in your client file.Depending on the circumstances of your instructions and how and why we are processing your data, this will usually fall under the lawful basis of “Contract”, although there are circumstances where it could fall under the lawful bases of “Consent”, “Legal Obligation” and even more rarely, “Vital Interests”. If the lawful basis is other than the lawful base of Contract, you will be notified. Our Data Protection Officer is Mrs Ilkay Timur Aydemir. She is the main point of contact if you need any assistance or have any queries in relation to your personal data. You can contact Mrs. Aydemir via email on or in writing to 123 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 8BT.
  2. 2. Obtaining Your Data
    We obtain your data in the following circumstances, namely when:
    • You contact us with a view to engaging our services;
    • You instruct us and engage in our services;
    • We represent you at the police station; and
    • We represent you at Court or Tribunal.
  3. 3. Your Information
    We confirm that different departments will need to obtain different information at different stages of your case. These will include but not limited to pre-action enquiries, criminal investigations, and Court or Tribunal proceedings. That information may include:
    • Your name, address and date of birth;
    • Your telephone number and address;
    • Your national insurance number;
    • Your employment details;
    • Prisoner number and address;
    • Previous matters that you have had with us;
    • Our correspondence and communications with you;
    • Any information as to any complaints you have made;
    • Information about you from third parties including the police and prosecution; and
    • Information to enable us to carry out confirmation of identity.
  4. 4. Using your Data
    We use your data in the following ways, namely to:
    • Provide a service to you;
    • Comply with our legal obligations;
    • Comply with Legal Aid Agency service reviews;
    • Comply with annual accounts audit;
    • Comply with our firms accreditation reviews such as Lexcel, Criminal Litigation and Conveyancing Quality Scheme;
    • Assess business development in order to manage and review our firms practises; and
    • Obtain feedback on our representation of you.
  5. 5. Data Retention
    We are obliged to retain your data for a minimum of six years. We may continue to retain that data on our legal case management software system and ensure that it is kept for lawful purpose.
  6. 6. Sharing your Data
    We share your data in the following ways, namely:
    • To comply with our legal obligations;
    • To submit an application for public funding;
    • To comply with Legal Aid Agency service reviews; and
    • To Comply with our firm’s accreditation reviews such as Lexcel, Criminal Litigation and Conveyancing Quality Scheme. In these instances, third parties can only process your data for the specified purpose.
  7. 7. Keeping your Data within the EU
    We confirm that your data will only be kept in the UK.
  8. 8. Data Protection
    At Morgan Has Solicitors, we take data protection extremely seriously. Your data is placed on to our case management software system which will protect your data from being lost, used or accessed in an unlawful way. We have a duty of confidentiality to you and we will ensure that we respect that at all times. If we suffer or suspect a security breach, we will notify you.
  9. 9. Access, Correction, Removal & Restriction
    We have to ensure that your information is accurate so please tell us if your personal details change. You have the following rights, namely:
    • To request access to your personal data;
    • To correct your data;
    • To request removal of that data if there is no good reason for us to continue to process it;
    • To object to the processing of your personal data;
    • To request the restriction of processing your personal data; and
    • To request the transfer of your data in circumstances where there is consent, it is automated and technically feasible.
  11. If you do wish to exercise any of the above rights or withdraw your consent (which you are able to do in limited circumstances), please notify our Data Protection Officer immediately. To clarify any requests you make should not infringe on our legal obligations in the course of discharging our duties under the SRA Code and in accordance with the law.

  12. 10. Changes to this Notice
    We will keep the privacy notice update on our website. You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues, at any time. The ICO’s contact details are: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. They can also be contacted by telephone on 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745. Further information can be found on their website: